The Rudest Book Ever By Shwetabh Gangwar

Real winning requires your focus on neither winning nor losing, but upon learning

In the Rudest Book Ever By Shwetabh Gangwar , he has picked up on a simple pattern: people need a set of principles and perspectives to protect them from all the unnecessary bullshit they go through. Codes to live by, essentially.

Shwetabh Gangwar is a professional problem-solver—and he’s ace at it. For the past five years, people from all over the world have contacted him with their troubles and he’s worked these out for them. You are a product. Even if you are rich, genius, talented, good or strong, someday the world will exploit you. Trouble you. So are you ready for that? We are a product attached with a hope that someday we will choose our job, career, relationship and environment. And the better choices we make, the better product we are. But actually this is not what happens because all our lives we have only been thought “What to think” and not “How to think”.

Why we should be taught ‘how to think’, instead of ‘what to think’

Laying out clear principles, YouTube megastar Gangwar shows you how to deal with the shit that has happened to you, is happening to you and will happen to you.

CONTENTS OF THE BOOK “The Rudest Book Ever

How to deal with rejections of all kinds

How to change your perceptions of people so you don’t end up screwed

Why a society that sees people as ‘good and bad’ is dumb

How the search for happiness screws us over

How seeking approval and acceptance kills our individuality

The truth about social media influencers

A Best Life Lessons From The Rudest Book Ever Some Key point

“If you need somebody else to tell you that you are special, then you have not done anything to earn it in your own mind.”

Who doesn’t want to be special? – Become special through collecting skills

But what is specialness? Specialness is the badge of realization you earn. Do not seek the acceptance and approval of others for your specialness. Specialness should be the sensation felt on upgrading in life after having mastered a skill.

Who doesn’t want to be special? – Become special through collecting skills

“people don’t think they need to learn anything because they assume they already know everything—a very dangerous assumption that comes from a frightening absence of self-awareness.”

But what is specialness? Specialness is the badge of realization you earn. Do not seek the acceptance and approval of others for your specialness. Specialness should be the sensation felt on upgrading in life after having mastered a skill.

Dealing with rejections – Rejections are normal

Rejections are a part of everyone’s life. Rejections are normal. It does not mean there is something wrong with you. With time you must realize that you don’t need anybody’s approval to do what you want. Because doing that gives you a purpose, and fulfilling that purpose provides satisfaction and meaningful life.

People are weird, but don’t judge.

“Just because somebody is older doesn’t mean they have figured out life.”

No one is special; neither is anyone stupid. Observe and rely on data, not gossip. Don’t go by first impressions. Don’t judge. We live in a world of marketing. Know a person based on real data.

Rejections are part of the success and you have to ignore people that are coming in your way as obstacles because people are weird and people always have something negative to say.

No matter who you are, people will always have issues with whatever you do, so it depends on you that how you respond to them. You can either accept people’s opinions, blame them for your failure, or take revenge.

The greatest of fears – the fear of failure.

Real winning requires your focus on neither winning nor losing, but upon learning. Whatever you are learning, ask questions from three points of view- utility, opportunity, and ability. You need to stop taking failures so seriously because they are coming from your mind, which tells you how things should happen, ‘not reality, which shows you how things actually do happen.

Finding Love Can Be A Pain In The Ass’

People on the internet are opportunistic enough to realize and capitalize on the insecurities, frustration, and lack of knowledge of people who got rejected. To figure out who you are, you have to know who you are intellectually, sexually, emotionally, and professionally.

How Your Self Dies’

  • Your ‘self’ is the person who you don’t want to accept and run away from to become a different person.
  • Constantly seeking approval and acceptance destroys your individuality.
  • Most people are dependent on others’ approval, and they don’t have self-satisfaction. This results in losing their self-identity.

Choose Satisfaction Not Happiness

You don’t think about self-satisfaction because all your attention is focused on happiness. Life is a lot of things that have nothing to do with happiness. But we think it does because happiness feels fucking great.

Happiness is the by-product of self-satisfaction. Self-satisfaction gives peace to the soul and indirectly happiness. You should ignore momentarily happiness and choose long term satisfaction that will give you real happiness.

Your wants and actions come under the category ‘interest’ only when they are controlled by ‘you’, not you by ‘them’.

Don’t please anyone

It is normal to expect people to like you, but to rely on people to determine your self-worth comes at a great risk. The day you can look at a bunch of people all competing with one another to be better in the eyes of someone, and choose to not be part of that game, is the day you win in the life of mental battle of life.

Don’t compare yourself to others. If you rely on others for your motivation, you are indirectly controlled by them.

You are a nation

You should assume yourself as a nation, your friends, siblings, or other people as other nations around you. Here your self-control is your security force, and complaints and negativity are terrorists.

Upgrade yourself, become independent, become a self-reliant nation. Practice self-control and self-respect. “While self-control takes care of inner demons, self-respect takes care of enemies outside.”

There are no heroes

“The problem with ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is it blinds you to the aspects of being human as like no one is good or bad situation make them. People are many, many things, but never wholly good or entirely bad .”There are no heroes, only heroic activities.

Admire, never follow.

Admire whatever it is that appeals to you and aspire to learn and incorporate that in your actions in beginning to try. You have your own self, which you should build into something you can be proud of and be satisfied with. And to do that, you learn from everybody.

Don’t reflect what good people do, reflect what people do good.

  1. Every person in a relationship thinks their partner is special. Wow! According to that logic, every single person in a relationship is special. If so many people in this world were special, the word ‘special’ would have no meaning.

  1. Stop pitying people. You have a fantasy that if you fix someone, they will love you back. So you look for broken people. Well, here’s the truth: they are not the only ones. Everybody above the age of twenty-five is carrying some serious scars, including you. Mind your own fucking business. And here’s news for you: they are not weak either. That’s why they are fucking you up in a relationship. You’re the one getting hurt.

How to think

  • The reason why most of your problems remain unsolved is because you rely on packets of information instead of thinking about it yourself. You seek some magical information that will solve your problem immediately, somebody who will guide you and explain to you what you need to do.
  • Knowledge is a great thing when the objective is to make you think. It is a superpower when you use it to make better decisions in your life. Knowledge is what enhances your intelligence because it is food for your thought. But when you don’t know how to use knowledge or data, and it is being used to show off, that reveals a lack of intelligence.

  • ‘How to think’ requires two things:

1. Abandonment of all the packets of information or perceptions you may have collected so far.

2. Getting to know or find out by relying on data and thinking.

The Rudest Book Ever Quotes

“people don’t think they need to learn anything because they assume they already know everything—a very dangerous assumption that comes from a frightening absence of self-awareness.”

“Specialness then becomes a collection of skills, and feeling special is the sensation felt on upgrading in life after having mastered a skill.”

Don’t compare yourself to others. If you rely on others for your motivation, you are indirectly controlled by them.

Real winning requires your focus on neither winning nor losing, but upon learning

You don’t think about self-satisfaction because all your attention is focused on happiness


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