The book Copycat Marketing 101 has been written by Burke Hedges. In this book, the author describes the surreal situations that the contemporary society is steeped in. He explains how the system encourages profit-making and does not focus on making wealth. The book highlights the fact that the system is encouraging the notion of following others and does not support individuality.

The book, then, explains how people get stuck in this loop of imitations and find it difficult to come out of it. He explains how leverage is very important for the creation of wealth, and how it can be used for growth. He emphasizes that a person who has time in hand is probably wealthier than the one who doesn’t on the grounds that the former has a chance of having some mental peace.

The book can be very interesting for people who are looking for inspiration for their dreams and want to make it big someday. It teaches how common people can ascend the ladder of success without getting stuck in the phenomenon of running for money. The book teaches some very vital formulae for monetary freedom by opening the right corridors.

Copycat Marketing 101 : How to Copycat Your Way to Wealth  Summary

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Copycat Marketing Chapter 1: We Live in a World of Copycats

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If there’s one thing we’re all good at , its copycatting .we copy every thing since starts from the day we’re born we copycat the language of our parents ,then we copy their moves and their lifestyle ,after that, we go to school where we learn to write by copying letters. But why haven’t we found a way to copycat creating wealth?

The answer to the question is because we have been copycatting the job track not the wealth creation track .why is that ? because most people assume that a job is the only way to make their financial dreams come true. Do you really want to copycat the 95% of people who are on the job track and probably get broke by the age of 65? or, do you want to copycat the 5% of the people who are on the wealth creation trak and will become finanially independent or even wealthy by the time they’re 65?

Copycat Marketing Chapter 2: WHATS “TRUE” WEALTH?

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True wealth isn’t just the ability to buy things true wealth is the ability to be free true wealth is having enough money and enough time to do whatever you want , whenever you want but be careful here having enough money is not enough you have got to have enough time to lost things can never be can back there are lots of highly paid doctors or engineers but if you ask them if they are truly free the answer would usually be NO because they feel trapped they know that if anything happened and there had to quit there would not survive in the same Lifestyle there accustomed to.

This is called income creation income creation is when you trade your time for money. You literally are nothing unless you personally do they work it’s a Trap, for as the author like to call it “Time For Money Trap“.

Income creation is temporary. Income creation does not last once you stop working for any cause let’s say an illness left view unable to work how are you going to refer to leave I know you won’t be able to well then how can you afford to live a luxurious life without being dependent on you going to work? The answer is residual income received usual income basically gives earning money whether you show up to work or not sounds fictional NAAH?

Well fortunately it’s not frictional considered “John”: JOHN lived the last 40 years having about 10% of his income and wisely invested it after retirement he had more than a million dollars invested this investments earn him 10% per year (4100000) without Him doing any work now that’s true wealth

Copycat Marketing Chapter 3: TRADING YOUR TIME FOR MONEY

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These days we have a a 50 /50/ 50 /50 plan for 50 hours a week 50 weeks a year for 50 years and when we retire we get 50% of what we used to make the problem is that what we used to make version even now imagine if it’s only 50% of it what will we do when we retire basic example of linear growth to simply calculate linear growth we use the following equation:




H X N= I

It simply means you get out only what you put in an if you don’t put it enough you won’t get out enough.

A company’s CEO on a lot maybe even three million dollar a year while his employees only earn $20,000 a year why is that that’s because this so on knows how to LEVERAGE at his money is employees are his LEVERAGE at he had rather on 1% of 100 employees effort than earn 100% of his own effort and that’s leverage however it’s not enough to have leverage and you also need to know how to use that leverage otherwise it’s a less that’s what we are going to let in the next chapter.

Copycat Marketing Chapter 4: WORK SMARTER,NOT HARDER

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Let’s go back to August of 1888 Asa Candler purchase the Exclusive rights for a carbonated fountain of a drink called Coca Cola for $2,300. It was a huge success almost every drugstore had a fountain of the drink where people could come in and drink a cold Coca Cola for 5 CENT however one day Candler made a decision that literally change history one day afraid of Candler walked into his office and offered to give him advice for a small fee after careful thinking Candler paid and his friend came closer to him and whispered, “Bottle it.”

That’s it! Before bottling Coca Cola people had to go DRUG store every time they wanted to drink Coca Cola so the profit of the company was SOLELY best on how many people wanted to spend enough time and effort to go all the way to add drug store to drink their Coca-Cola however after bottling the drink leverage was created the company leverage time effort and location by bottling their product.

Once they a bottled it anyone who could buy a six pack for example basically had the Coca Cola fountain at his own house then leverage , leverage it is your way to work smarter not harder or in other words how to make a lot more money in a lot less time.

Copycat Marketing Chapter 5: EXPONENTIAL GROWTH

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Osceola MC Carty was 88 year old who had a a tough life . Osceola used to wash and iron The Neighbours clothes to earn a living, she used to charge 2 dollar per bundle and then after World War 2 she increased her price to $10 per bundle even after raising her price the best she could make was $9000 per month.

At the age of 40 she started saving some money over time her saving keep increasing then in the summer of 1995 she donated $150000 dollar of her money to charity now how will a women with below average income donate that amount of money?

She would take a few portion of her money every year and invest it in something she did not spend its invested at ,this is called compounding growth.

Copycat Marketing Chapter 6: SYNERGISM : MARRIAGES

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Earnest Hamwi was doing his best to sell waffles at the 1905 world’s fair .He kept promoting his product but no one would buy from him. To make things even worse people would line up at the store next to him that’s all ice-cream then one day the ice cream store and out of plates and asked Ernest if he could lend them some.

Ernest did not have any plates. However, he had his waffle’s so he decided to try to do all his weapons in a way that could hold the ice cream does grating and ice cream cone .People love to eat and ice cream corn become famous worldwide and today is an the world’s favourite snack.

The ice cream and waffles story is the perfect example of the concept of synergism, good products or concepts that had nothing to do with each other when combined created a grate Products or concept now imagine you are in charge of creating the perfect synergism of wealth creation you will create a very powerful synergism that would touch everyone on this planet and affordable and duplicate tables synergism that would be able to everyone well the truth is isn’t simple and it is the merit of franchising and export and shall growth what is the result of this marriage network marketing the ultimate synergism.

Copycat Marketing Chapter 7: NETWORK MARKETING

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Duplication is the key to make franchising succeed and compounding is the key way to create a true wealth so let’s combine both When We combine the two we get network marketing network marketing is a simple system that work by joining a company that gives you a product to sell and you receive a percentage of commission when you complete a Sale.

25% Commission on a cell may not sound like much however if you get one person per month and teach him how to sell the product to then you have also increase your commission for each of their sales!

This is called paramedical structure the more people you get involved in selling a product demo for going to make and that is how to copycat your way to wealth it’s just like franchising but instead of having to spend millions of Dollar to start-up you spend a lot less and instead of having to manage your work every day you simply work from home.


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