Make It Stick Summary By Peter C. Brown 

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If you are interested in the topic of improving memory, then Make It Stick is the right book for you. Make It Stick Book will provide you with the best ways in which you can improve your memory and learn in a better way.

“Mastery in any field, from cooking to chess to brain surgery, is a gradual accretion of knowledge, conceptual understanding, judgment, and skill. These are the fruits of variety in the practice of new skills, and of striving, reflection, and mental rehearsal.”

Make It Stick is a book by Peter C. Brown ,Henry L. Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel about how to effectively learn and remember information. The authors present research that shows that some learning techniques are more effective than others. They also provide practical advice for how to apply these techniques in real life.

“Learning is deeper and more durable when it’s effortful. Learning that’s easy is like writing in sand, here today and gone tomorrow.”

One of the most important things that the authors talk about is the importance of active learning. Active learning is when you are actively engaged in the process of learning, instead of just passively listening or reading. This means that you are actively thinking about what you are learning, and trying to understand it. This can be done through things like taking notes, asking questions, and doing practice problems.

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Make It Stick Summary

Make It Stick is a book about how to effectively learn and remember information. The authors present research that shows that some learning techniques are more effective than others. By teaching you about the science of learning, Make It Stick teaches you how to learn effectively.

“People who learn to extract the key ideas from new material and organize them into a mental model and connect that model to prior knowledge show an advantage in learning complex mastery. A mental model is a mental representation of some external reality.”

The book is divided into four sections. The first section describes the book’s central idea: that there are two key factors in learning:  making meaning of new information and creating a lasting connection between the new information and what you already know. The second section of the book describes the three main techniques for doing this:  Elaborative interrogation, practice testing, and interleaving.  The third section describes the two key techniques for retrieval:  Retrieval practice and retrieval cues. The final section describes how to integrate these techniques so that they work together to maximize learning.

“One of the most striking research findings is the power of active retrieval—testing—to strengthen memory, and that the more effortful the retrieval, the stronger the benefit.”

Make It Stick breaks down the science of learning into two major components:

How you retrieve information (i.e. how you bring it back to mind)

Most people understand that forgetting is a natural part of the learning process. But many people feel that the way information is stored in their brains is fixed, that they are stuck with what they have. Make It Stick turns this belief around.

The authors present research that shows that some learning techniques are more effective than others. They call these techniques “Retrieval Practice” and they consist of three simple steps:

1. Recall: Recalling the information from memory. If you can’t recall the information, use study aids to remind yourself of the information

. 2. Relate: Connect the information to something you already know about.

3. Reflect: Think about the information and how it makes you feel. By doing this, you make the information more meaningful and memorable.

How you initially store information (i.e. how you initially learn it).

The research behind this book was inspired by an experience of the authors. They wanted to understand how they could “make things stick,” so they applied to an NIH grant to study learning and memory. The NIH turned down the grant application, so they just went on to collect their own data. They studied a variety of learning techniques that they applied to different types of information, such as factoids and statistics.

They studied their own learning habits and the learning habits of others. Based on their research, they found that when we initially learn new information, it is stored in one of three ways: 1.  Visual 2.  Auditory 3.  Verbal . The authors don’t claim that this is an exhaustive list of ways to initially store information, but these three ways are the most common. They found that the way you initially learn something is the most important factor in how well you remember it.

The authors of the book “Make It Stick” have found that the key to long-term retention of what we read or hear is not so much about how much we hear or read, but how we hear or read. The two most important keys to learning are:

1. Make It Credible.

In the book “Make It Stick”, the authors describe a useful framework for understanding how we learn. The key is not how much you learn, but how well you learn it. The book’s title is a play on words, because the key point is that you make the new knowledge ‘sticky’: memorable and accessible. The first step is to make it ‘credible’, which means that you are confident in the credibility of the source. If you are not confident that the source is credible, you are less likely to believe the information it conveys. Without credibility, you are unlikely to believe what you read, even if it is true.

2. Make It Conversational.

The key to long-term retention of what we read or hear is not so much about how much we hear or read, but rather how conversational the material is. In other words, it is easier for us to remember what we’ve learned when we’ve had to explain it to someone else. The process of explaining something to someone else is quite effective for learning. And, if you want to learn about anything, start by explaining it to someone else. If you haven’t already, start explaining something to your friends, family and co-workers and you’ll be surprised by how much you learn.

Make It Stick Free Pdf Download

“Knowledge is more durable if it’s deeply entrenched, meaning that you have firmly and thoroughly comprehended a concept, it has practical importance or keen emotional weight in your life, and it is connected with other knowledge that you hold in memory.”

Hare is the download link of pdf of the book Make It Stick as well as the buying link if you want to read in physical format .


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