The Miracle Morning Summary By Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning is not just a book to read if you follow the principle that is mentioned in the book. It really helps you to improve your day with full of  energy and motivation to live your precious day . As we live in a modern world we sleep night lately and wake up at 8.30 am morning we follow same routine day to night and we feel anxiety ,frustrate ,Tension and by this our life became more worse . so, this book will give you miraculous habits to live your day  and improve your habits and make your life more successful. 

“Hal Elrod is a genius and his book The Miracle Morning has been magical in my life. What Hal has done is taken the best practices, developed over centuries of human consciousness development, and condensed the ‘best of the best’ into a daily morning ritual. A ritual that is now part of my day.”
-Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod (born May 30, 1979) is an American author, keynote speaker and success coach. He is the author of the bestselling book The Miracle Morning, The Miracle Equation, founder of the Miracle Morning book series and the host of the Achieve Your Goals podcast. In 1999, he was involved in a serious automobile accident which he later recovered from. He was born in Camarillo, California.


At the age of 20 the author had a good life and well settled with his career  .But one day after returning  from his work to home he had a car accident as the doctor said that he would never walk again. On that car accident he was hit by a drunk driver and actually dead at the scene for six minutes and then for the next six days he was in a coma it was a bad deal but where am I going with this I’m saying that anyone in his situation could have chosen to be depressed for years but how took the responsibility for his life he found some magic and learned how to make the best situation with a miracle morning and he came up with a little acronym called lifesavers to help you create your Miracle Morning.

A Note to You, the Reader

The Miracle Morning is a total game changer, allowing you to attain that elusive next level and take your personal and professional success far beyond what you’ve achieved in the past. While this can include increasing your income, growing your business, sales, or revenue, it’s often more about discovering new ways to experience deeper levels of fulfilment and balance in areas of your life that you may have neglected. This can mean making significant improvements with your health, happiness, relationships, finances, spirituality, or any other areas that are at the top of your list.

For those who are in the midst of adversity, enduring times of struggle—be it mental, emotional, physical, financial, or relational —The Miracle Morning has proven time and time again to be the one thing that can empower anyone to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, make major breakthroughs and turn their circumstances around, often in a very short period of time.

With love and gratitude (always).
“Yo Pal” Hal

“The Miracle Morning” Summary By Hal Elrod

Successful people aren’t born that way. They become
successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do.
The successful people don’t always like doing these things themselves; they just get on and
do them.

So lets start how author transform his life worse to soothe on his  book Miracle Morning he shared habits that worked for him to make his life soothe here his habits in the following points.

Hal breaks down a 5 step snooze-proof wake up strategy. The first is to set your intentions before you go to bed. The second is to move your alarm clock across the room. That way you have to stand up and go and turn it off. The 3rd step is to brush your teeth. The 4th step is to drink a complete glass of water, and the 5th step is to get dressed or jump in the shower. Do that process and you won’t have to worry about being a snooze-a-holic.

great principles in this book “The Miracle Morning” is 6 if you practices this that guarantee to save you from a life of unfulfilled potential. Life savers and he says savers as an acronym, S. A. V. E. R. S. 

S (Silence) ,A(Affirmations),V(Visualize),E(Exercise),R(Reading),S(Scribbling)

S stands for silence

The first is “S “stands for silence basically go into meditation or pray try to start thinking about something that set yourself apart for something bigger probably one of the best things you can do is think of 10 things that you’re grateful for and each morning try to think of 10 new things for example take a minute to pray for the new day to god and thanks to him that you’re grateful for your life, family, love , friends and appreciate the silence.

“A” stands for Affirmations

“A” stands for Affirmations to create your affirmations. Think about what you really want in life, why you want it, whom you are committed to being, what you are committed to doing, also add inspirational quotes and philosophies to it. The more you tell yourself something will happen the more positive vibes that you put into your brain the more likely they will be to actually happen and this ties into the next step so basically the night before trying firming to yourself that you will wake up refreshed and be super pumped to get up. 

“V” V is for visualization.

“V” is for visualization and we have to see in our mind what we want to do with that day before it happens at first you can visualize it you’ll have a better chance of actually happening so we can do anything that is a man general but the first step is to imagine it try to visualize waking up as something pleasant something that you actually want to do look forward to waking up or Visualize exactly what you want. Visualize the person that you need to become to achieve all of these great things.

“E” is for Exercise

 “E” is to Exercise and there are tons of positive benefits to exercising and a great little visualization is thinking that if you’re not exercising that’s like taking a depressant because exercise can act as a stimulant a stimulant to your body a stimulant your mind a stimulant to your life going for a short morning run has amazing benefits to the rest of your day and no matter what else you do during that day when you go to bed you’ll be able to say that you did something productive also if you tell yourself that you exercise at night when it comes to it most people are actually too exhausted to follow through so it’s very vital that you exercise first thing in the morning exercise will definitely boost your mood and help you focus throughout the rest of the day and it will also increase your physical health exponentially how suggest drinking a glass of water as soon as comfortably possible after you wake up.

“R” is for Reading

“R” is Reading try to read some inspirational material how recommend reading something inspirational you could read to learn as well try to read something that will help you visualize and affirm that great things will happen today reading material that will further your skills and increase your productivity for your daily plans is also great try to aim for 10 pages a day. Read the more you read the more you learn the more you earn as Warren Buffett has said.

“S” is Scribbling

“S” is called Scribing and this is basically writing something a great method to this is the document what you did yesterday and to come up with a little list of stuff to do today short to-do list of 325 things are very effective and another option would be to write down all the things that you were grateful for back in the silence step how is also really big. Or you can write 5-10 minutes a day a journal just let all your thoughts out put them on paper organized goals that you have for out the day.

The 6 minute Miracle(For The Busy People)

On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand,
we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple.
We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy.

Another great principle in this book is something that Hal calls the 6 minute miracle. Now the 6 minute miracle is designed to get real results in 6 minutes. The 1st minute is to envision yourself waking up peacefully every single morning with the big yawn and stretch and the smile on your face. The 2nd minute is to pull out your daily affirmations, the ones that remind you of your unlimited potential, and also what’s most important to you? What are your priorities? The 3rd minute is to close your eyes and visualize what you desire. You have a vision board that’s great to use. The 4th minute, take one minute to write down some of the things that you’re grateful for and that you’re proud of. The 5th minute grab your self-help book and invest one miraculous minute reading a page or 2. Learn a new idea, something that you can incorporate in your day to become better. And the six-minute stand up and spend the last minute moving your body for 60 seconds, maybe run in place, maybe do a minute of jumping jacks, sit-ups, whatever just get the body moving. Motion creates emotion. Now it’s very important to customize your miracle morning because everybody has different dreams, goals, and desires. So make your miracle morning customized to set yourself up to achieve the life that you’ve always dreamed of and to have all the fulfilling success you’ve ever desired. 

From Unbearable To Unstoppable: The Real Secret To Forming Habits That Will Transform Your Life (In 30 Days)

Successful people aren’t born that way. They become
successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do.
The successful people don’t always like doing these things themselves; they just get on and
do them.

He tells us to do these habits for at least 30 days to  forming Habits that will transform your life. He said it’s not easy to follow his principles so he divide in 3 parts here are

[Days 1-10] Phase One: Unbearable

 The first 10 days of implementing any new habit, or ridding yourself of any old habit, can feel almost unbearable. Although the first few days can be easy, and even exciting—because it’s something new—as soon as the newness wears off, reality sets in. You hate it. It’s painful. It’s not fun anymore. Every fiber of your being tends to resist and reject the change. Your mind rejects it and you think: I hate this. Your body resists it and tells you: I don’t like how this feels.

The problem for most people is that they don’t realize that this seemingly unbearable first 10 days is only “temporary.” Instead, they think it’s the way the new habit feels, and will always feel, telling themselves: If the new habit is this painful, forget it—it’s not worth it. 

As a result, 95% of our society—the mediocre majority—fail, time and time again, to start exercise routines, quit smoking, improve their diets, stick to a budget, or any other habit that would improve their quality of life.

[Days 11-20] Phase Two: Uncomfortable

After you get through the first 10 days—the most difficult 10 days—you begin the 2 nd 10-day phase, which is considerably easier. You will be getting used to your new habit. You will also have developed some confidence and positive associations to the benefits of your habit. 

While days 11-20 are not unbearable, they are still uncomfortable and will require discipline and commitment on your part. At this stage it will still be tempting to fall back to your old behaviours. Referencing the example of waking up early as your new habit, it will still be easier to sleep in because you’ve done it for so long. Stay committed. You’ve already gone from Unbearable to Uncomfortable, and you’re about to find out what it feels like to be UNSTOPPABLE. 

[Days 21-30] Phase Three: Unstoppable

When you enter the final 10 days—the home stretch—the few people that make it this far almost always make a detrimental mistake: adhering to the popular advice from the many experts who claim it only takes 21 days to form a new habit.

Phase Three is also where the actual transformation occurs, as your new habit becomes part of your identity. It transcends the space between something you’re trying and who you’re becoming. You start to see yourself as someone who lives the habit.

An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous improvements in the areas that matter


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