Hey ! Do you want to create a successfulย  business and you want some suggestions to read books for understanding the fundamentals of business? Here I listed some famous books in this article about the 5 best business books to read for college students. If you are bored with your college syllabus and you want to build a business, just read this book that is suggested in this post.

In this post 5 best business books to read for college students. The books are written or inspired from the famous business persons like PETER THIEL the CO- founder of PAYPAL his book on business zero to one .

ROBERT KIYOSAKIโ€™S  books like the Business of the 21st century teach about  how to build business in the 21st century or the era of competitive world.

So let’s start the list of 5 best business books to read for college students. Here you get briefly described about the book in the following list.

Zero to One: Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future 

Zero to One : Notes on Start-up’s, or How to Build the Future is a book on entrepreneurship, based on a lecture Peter Thiel delivered at Stanford in 2012.

In 2012, Peter Thiel spoke to software engineers at Stanford, inspiring them to think boldly and try to carve out the future. He spoke of his own experiences, explaining the world of entrepreneurship from a personal point of view.

 Blake Masters was among the audience, and he recorded the lecture through detailed notes and posted them online. The posts went viral, and soon there was a need for a book which spoke more about Thielโ€™s ideas on entrepreneurship. 

In the current age, technology is beginning to stagnate. Information technology has grown at a rapid pace, but progress must not be limited to computers. Thiel explains that the next big entrepreneur will not have built an operating system or a search engine. 

Instead, tomorrowโ€™s champions are going to be those who look at a unique business, roads which have not been taken. In doing so, they will discover that the roads which have been less travelled by will make all the difference between a zero and a one.

The Business of the 21st Century

The Business Of The 21st Century extols the virtues of network marketing as a business model that is ideal for the average person, to create streams of income.

The Business Of The 21st Century asks readers to use the power of network marketing. It says that this is the best way to create cash flow and passive income. Passive income is the kind of income that keeps coming, even when a person has stopped working. With network marketing, this is possible if the person puts in enough effort early on with a good business model, and if he creates a good team of marketers.

Network marketing allows a person to learn on the job, acquire new knowledge, and expand their horizons. All this can be done, while creating new businesses and networking with other people, who are also interested in building their own businesses.

Network marketing helps create leadership and collaboration skills. It harnesses the power of a network of people, whose efforts benefit each other. This business model is scalable and is ideal for creating residual or passive income, business that pays even after a person has stopped actively working on it. The business and the network that the person initially worked on setting up, continues to grow and pay well into the future. This is the true kind of asset, an asset that creates cash flows, says the author.

The $100 Start up: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More

Change your job to change your life. You no longer need to work nine-to-five in a big company to pay the mortgage, send your kids to school and afford that yearly holiday. You can quit the rat race and start up on your own โ€“ and you don’t need an MBA or a huge investment to do it. 

The $100 Start-up by Chris Guillebeau is your manual to a new way of living. Learn how to: – Earn a good living on your own terms, when and where you want – Achieve that perfect blend of passion and income to make work something you love – Take crucial insights from 50 ordinary people who started a business with $100 or less – Spend less time working and more time living your life Review The money you have is enough. Chris makes it crystal clear: there are no excuses left. START. Start now, not later.

The $100 Start-up is your manual to a new way of living. Learn how to: ยท Earn a good living on your own terms and when and where you want ยท Achieve that perfect blend of passion and income to make work something you love ยท Apply crucial insights from fifty ordinary people who made it work with $100 or less ‘Thoughtful, funny and compulsively readable, this guide shows how ordinary people can build solid livings with independence and purpose, on their own terms’ Gretchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project.

One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 

1000 Ways to make 1000 dollars was originally published in the 1930s. This is a classic but all its principles still hold true today. The famous author Warren Buffet had this book to thank for inspiring him at an early age. 1000 Ways was made available again for the new generation.

1000 Ways to make 1000 dollars give ideas on quaint today-goat dairying, manufacturing motor-driven chairs, and renting out billiard tables to local establishments are among the money-making ideas presented- the underlying fundamentals of business explained in these pages remain as solid as they were over seventy years ago.

One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 is both a durable, classic business book and a fascinating portrait of determined entrepreneurship in Depression-era America.

The Business School By Robert Kiyosaki

The Business School is a popular book written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. From this book the reader will get to know all information of Multi-level marketing. He explains beautifully why Multi- level-marketing is important.

According to Robert T. Kiyosaki, the building of a network marketing business is a revolutionary idea to make money. He says that through network marketing, it is possible for anyone to amass wealth. All that is required is that one needs to have the initiative and drive and must have the determination to achieve the goal. 

It is open to anyone who has the above qualities. He adds that one must not give up. The book describes what the real values of network marketing business are. It is more than just making money.


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